nmcz@nmcz.org.zm +260 211 221284

Board Members

The Council’s mandate is implemented by a Board appointed by the Minister of Health which provides guidance to Senior Management. The Registrar serves as Secretariat of the Board and is a link among the Board, Ministry of Health and Senior Management.

The Board operates in accordance with the Nurses and Midwives Act No. 10 of 2019 and its Board Charter. In order to ensure that good corporate governance standards are maintained its other main guiding documents are:

Mr. David Mbewe

Prof. Patricia Mukwato Katowa

Board Chairperson
Mr. David Mbewe

Dr. Bob Sikahilu

Vice Board Chairperson
Mr. David Mbewe

Mrs Faith Moono Wamundila

Board Member
Mrs. Judith Chipili

Mr. Clayson Mwaka Simoonga Member

Board Member
Mr. Morgan Chuunga

Dr. Abigail Mukuwa Tuchili

Board Member
Mr. Ackim Tembo

Mrs. Daphne Shamambo

Board Member
Mr. Obbius Chikombola

Mr. Frayson Michelo

Board Member